Shoes and women are eternal accomplices and most women share, among many things, a borderline addictive taste for shoes.
There is no such thing as “having too many shoes”. You can always squeeze one more pair in…
Let’s face it, for many, shoes are a weakness; and many of us collect them and keep them as real treasure. We all know that a good pair of shoes can make or break an outfit and make us the center of attention. Additionally, women know that shoes are one of the accessories that, even without realizing it, can say a lot about our attitude, our lifestyle and our personality. They say a lot about who wears them. They are a kind of a personal journal of our daily lives. Shoes accompany us in our constant movement, in that coming and going from one place to another; and in the race that we women of today undertake towards our goals and objectives.
There is no such thing as “having too many shoes”. You can always squeeze one more pair in…
Let’s face it, for many, shoes are a weakness; and many of us collect them and keep them as real treasure. We all know that a good pair of shoes can make or break an outfit and make us the center of attention. Additionally, women know that shoes are one of the accessories that, even without realizing it, can say a lot about our attitude, our lifestyle and our personality. They say a lot about who wears them. They are a kind of a personal journal of our daily lives. Shoes accompany us in our constant movement, in that coming and going from one place to another; and in the race that we women of today undertake towards our goals and objectives.
In fact, there are studies that show that it is a reality that shoes can make women feel happy. Buying shoes is, for many, an addiction that releases large amounts of dopamine, a substance that causes pleasure and acts in some ways like a drug; making us feel a sense of happiness. For this reason, we always have an excuse, a pretext or a reason to buy that extra pair that we liked so much.
Throughout history, women’s shoes have also shown to have a magical and symbolic component. Qualities of femininity, romance, sensuality, power, freedom, modernity, creativity, and even artistic objects are attributed to them. They have represented symbols of status, seduction, elegance and lifestyle; constituting a powerful visual stimulus, both for men and women. In short, they represent the finishing touch that complements any outfit; the icing on the cake…
Feet adorned by a good pair of shoes are a guarantee of elegance, happiness and well-being. Therefore, its acquisition should not be considered as an expense but as a good investment; since they have the virtue of making us feel sensual, sophisticated, modern, and free in our walk through life.
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